Subhaan Allahi Wabi Humdihi Subhaan Allahil Azeem

My Sect
My Profession
Engineer (Mechanical)
Marital Status
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Assalam o Alaikum dear readers,
By the grace of the All Mighty creator I am here to look for a potential partner. Never imagined that i will have to resort to the internet to look for my SPECIAL ONE.

I am a true follower of Allah s.w.a and his Messenger s.a.w. And it is my strong Aqeeda that Islam is not a choice but infact it is the ONLY WAY of LIFE...It happens to be that I am divorced and i do have a flower like daughter Alhumdulillah living with me ( almost 4.5 yrs old) in Kuwait. Everything happens for a reason and there is always Hikmat of Allah in it for us. I am 34 years old. I try to pray 5 times a day in the Masjid. I am a Senior Mechanical Engineer Graduated from America. I completed my Masters in Mechanical Engineering and returned to Kuwait and joined my family. We are a family of 6 ( My Father my best friend, My beautiful loving Mother, a fair honest and loving younger brother, a cute loving most helpful and supportive younger sister and the reason of my life my Angel daughter ) My family has been in Kuwait for about 35-40 yrs now. And yes we are from Lahore.

I am very adventurous in nature and like to explore new things in life. I love to go to the beach, have B.B.Qs. I love to do research and get to the bottom of whatever it is. I love to acquire knowledge and I just LOVE about this Balance that exists in Nature that Allaah s.w.a has created.

I love animals and infact i have a German Persian Cat who just wants to be petted and rubbed and squeezed and you name it. I also have some beautiful parrots that i keep on the upper floor of our Villa. I love horses and let me tell you that i can ride a stallion or a mustang like u have never seen before. You know you are riding with full speed when you feel like you are flying without any jerks....Flowing and cutting through the air with smoothness....Its amazing.

I am by heart a very strong person and with assertiveness. Trust, Loyalty, Faithfulness and True Love is what i have to offer. If I do find a True Loving wife, I will devote my whole Life, Love and Soul to her to complete the rest Half of my Deen. And for sure I will also expect the same from her too. I don’t have a big circle of friends as most of them are working abroad in different countries. I am waiting for the right Muslimah to enter my life so I can share with her the beautiful life experiences and grow old together.

I am a religious muslim with modern mentality who knows very well how keep a fine balance between Deen and Duniyah. And don't worry i wont ask you to wear a Veil....!

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What I Am Looking For
I am looking for that ONE Special girl who fears and Loves Allah the most. Prays 5 times. Atleast tries. Loves our beloved Prophet s.a.w. unconditionally and then me and my beautiful daughter. I am sure if a girl knows what Allah has said about her rights and her husbands rights and follows them, then she is without a doubt the best for me.

I will Insha'Allah treat her so very well that she will always never have to feel sad about anything in life because i know what Allah and Rasool s.a.w has said about how to treat your wife.

Accoding to one Hadith Prophet p.b.u.h said, "The best amongst you is the one who treats Women with Kindness." So it is my utmost duty to treat my wife with Kindness and love.

I am looking for a wife who will give my daughter the Love of a true Loving Mother because her real mother abandoned her. I am extremely thankful to Allah for blessing me with a true caring mother and a sister who helped me in taking care of my daughter while she was a baby. Alhumdulillah my lil princess is now almost 4 and a half yrs old and goes to school and is not very demanding. It is an opportunity for a woman to earn Sawaab by accepting my daughter as her own daughter and be my loving companion till i die. Insh'Allah i will give my wife more than anything that she needs in life because i fear Allaah s.w.a. I want a wife who will pray for both of our success in this life for the life Hereafter and i will do the same Insha Allaah....Allah aap sab ko Khush rakhay aur hum sab ko shaitaan say bachayay...Allaah Humma Aameen...Yaa Rabul Aalaameen...!

May Allaah s.w.a. fill all of your lives with Countless Barakahs and Rehmah.....Aameen...!

Good Luck on your Searches.....!

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
My Height
1.78m (5' 10")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Masters degree
Subject I Studied
Sr. Mechanical Project Engineering
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Engineer (Mechanical)
My Job Title
Project Mechanical Engineer
My Sect
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?